Monday, January 26, 2015

Welcome! And what does a preaching-once-a-month pastor do to exercise her creativity?

What do I do for creativity? That's the question I found myself asking in December when I was taking some time away from the church after Christmas.

Don't get me wrong. My days are full. I keep busy (don't we all?) although, often I don't think I could tell anyone what I've been doing all day by the time 4:30 rolls around. But I know that most of what I do is necessary and a lot of it is worthwhile.

That leaves me feeling satisfied, but not necessarily fulfilled. As an Associate Pastor (officially, Pastor of Discipleship) I preach one weekend a month. And that's fine for me, really. After six years of preaching to three churches every Sunday, I don't mind a respite. And not having to prepare a service and sermon each week leaves me more time for all the other things that any pastor might do if she has the time. (More on that another time.)

But, there is that question of creativity. If I'm not preparing a sermon or writing prayers, what then? This is what struck me after Christmas. My paper-and-pen journaling – while good and helpful – just wasn't enough.

Hence, the blog. It was time to pull out that idea I’d had early last year. It was time to create a blog.

And what is it to be?

A little bit of this, a little bit of that... (Think “Anatevka” from Fiddler on the Roof).
A little bit about a whole lot of things.
That's what you can expect to find on this blog in future weeks and months.

Living a whole life... Gardening... Grace.... Health and wellness...
Joy... Clutter... Life's busyness... Living with autoimmune diseases...
Eating healthy... Hope... Walking the walk... Joy… Camping…
God... Meditation... Working toward better health...

Stay tuned...


  1. I am so excited about this! Looking forward to following you and hearing from others from First United Methodist Church!

    1. Lynn, thanks for you enthusiastic response. And, for being the first to comment. In time we might get quite a conversation going as people discover the blog.

  2. Teehee, I put the above in the wrong spot.
